CD Resources
NHS-E AT Accountable Officer (CDs) and Team:
Amit Dawda Accountable Officer
Parveen Baden Controlled Drugs Accountable Officer Senior Team Manager
Contact team HERE
Includes guidance on:
CD Destruction (p2)
CD Reporting Portal (CDRP) – Useful Tips
Missed OST pick-up
Serious Incident Case Study
What to do in the event of an incident with CDs?
Examples of incidents that require reporting include:
Discrepancies in the recording and stock of CDs
Concerns with colleagues and patients
Prescribing errors with CDs
Dispensing errors with CDs
Patient complaints involving CDs
Medicines Management CD issues
Missing or lost CDs
the list is not exhaustive
NHSE/I Midlands – West
Controlled Drugs queries Tel: 07783 822994
To report a CD incident, submit an Occurrence Report or request an Authorised Witness for CD destruction please visit